Monday, 23 April 2018

Atrocity Exhibition: Production Diary 16-22 April

Girl and Hills 2:

  • Continuation of Tom's Girl and hills scene
  • Transition from body and landscape into media saturation
  • Introducing some TV aspect into the visual

Dealey Plaza (Theme: politicians and celebrity culture)

  • Long panning shot main character probing on the image of Jackie O, famous female politicians and celebrities to investigate Dealey Plaza's motorcade where JFK is shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.

Crit 1 went well, we need to show audio for next crit. Ben recommended us to get a CRT TV which can play our animation for the end of year show.

Walter from LCOM has finally got back to us, he gave Tom the samples of music which we thought is not done up to the standard that we wanted. So, to avoid hassle, we decided to say no to him and make our own music.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Atrocity Exhibition: Production Diary Easter

My easter plan working from Jakarta:
  • Download all assets before the flight
  • Find more images of celebrities and research on their respective personal background, relevant newspaper headlines and diagrams for the foreground in the animation.
  • Communicate long distance (shouldn't be a problem since we are doing each of the scenes separately, haven't had a plan but we sent each other recordings after we finished a scene.)
Tom and I have done a handful of animating while keeping on testing and gathering collage materials along the way. We had quite a setback as Tom's hard drive got stolen at a pub. Fortunately, we managed work at a faster pace and caught up with the progress over the last week of easter break.

Here are some shots of the scenes I did over easter:

An interpretation of the character's obsession on investigating the conspiracies surrounding the assassination of president JFK. 

monos and acrylic paint:

Playing with Photoshop's layer blending effects:

Transition from media saturation and car crashes to apocalyptic ending.
  • Probing around cityscapes
  • plasticity of image: obscuring boundaries between what is real and unreal