Tuesday, 13 March 2018

YCN Brief: Art Fund - Submission

Pitch summary
  • social media video campaign with a dark comedic twist
  • narrative takes inspiration from the humble daily struggle of drawing
  • tagline: 'Just £5 with more felines to watch'
  • Low-budget medium: ink, collage and paper cutouts
  • Gibberish sounds enhance the attention-grabbing surreal aesthetic
  • Postcard designs to be given out to university students during freshers week from individual frames of our cat illustrations.

Password to access video: feline

Screenshot of our YCN submission
Galuh and I are able to stay passionate throughout the process due to our approach to this brief is to work loosely based on themes proposed by ArtFund instead of being too fixated with the brief. We successfully took a simple concept, and achieved a unique and more polished aesthetic in the animation. I feel that this is the strongest collaboration piece I have done so far.

Advertising message could be more clearly presented: The parodic scene in the end is jarring.

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