Monday, 19 March 2018

Atrocity Exhibition: Production Diary 12-18 March

We did some experiment with the materials we have found so far before starting production. Some experimentations which I have tried this week include editing video montage and rotoscoping on found footages. Overall, I am not pleased with the outcome of the different experiments because I still could not find a way to connect these unrelated moving images to my interpretation of the book content.

Aside of looking for a better way to incorporate found footages, I am going to incorporate the film scratching techniques - which I have learnt from a direct-on-film animation workshop from my COP 3- for the texture library. Textures are based on the impression of driving a car; and conveys the sensation of speed. During the process, I accidentally melted the film reel by putting it on top of my radiator at home. Therefore, the film reel were stuck together and when pulled out, parts of the film are ripped and damaged. Thankfully the damage is not that big of a deal and I can still use parts of the film which are still in good condition after being pulled apart.

Film Textures

Film Textures

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