Tuesday 23 February 2016

Sketchbook: People

I found it hard to draw people's faces, so I decided to practice drawing them occasionally to help me understand the facial features better. Before getting into observational drawing from real life, I took out a book titled Portraits by Wolfgang Tilmans who is a German photographer. 

I did a little bit of study during the Christmas Break by drawing portraits of the people from that book. I found this exercise useful as I the more I draw the person, the better I can understand their facial features, and the facial structures starts to look like the original. 

I spent most of my time in London during the Christmas Break, being a tourist, visiting museums and landmarks. When I got tired and decided to sit down, I took out my sketchbook and sketch some statues in my surroundings. The carricatures on the right are mostly referenced from the interesting faces from portraits in the National Portrait Gallery.

Drawings of people at Nation of Shopkeepers. I somehow made some of them look older than they should be, but I can still see improvement from the previous drawings. I also think that the drawings that I produce from real life observation is different to those from portraits; the facial features seems more solid. 

Drawings of some of my friends that I made during a drawing session. It was enjoyable and full of laughter as we did drawings of each other's faces. Also, I tried different media like watercolour and pencils this time, and I am happy with the outcome because I can draw faces more accurately than before.

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