Thursday 21 January 2016

Set, Series, and Sequences: 3 Favourite Helmet Drawings

These are some of the images that I really like from the 24 drawings that I developed. I will use one of them and draw a storyboard based on it. I like these images because they are well-developed, and tell different stories about helmet which is based on my understanding of the subject matter after I did some observational drawing. 

Cat seen from a motorcyclist perspective
Medium: Marker

I imagined that this is what it will look like if I can fit a Go-Pro camera into a helmet. I like this because it shows unique perspective seen from a person wearing a helmet. The view in front of the person's eyes looks framed.

Futuristic people wearing oxygen helmet
Media: Watercolour and ink

Like all post-modernist does, I draw futuristic dystopian illustration, and decided to put helmet into the illustration. As I was making this, I realised that there is a chance that people might have to wear helmet like astronauts in the future because the Earth's air is too polluted. 

A man inside a jelly
Media: Watercolour and Ink

I was thinking about Jan Svankmajer's Dimensions of Dialogue which is rather creepy, so I decided to draw a bald guy's head in a jelly. I placed it in a very normal setting, a dining table, and makes it looks as normal as possible. I like the jelly pretty much protects the head from the outside world, although it can't totally conceal it just like how a helmet protects people's head.

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